为了这一代和将来的世世代代,必须保护环境。In order to this generation and future generations, we must protect the environment.3有了您的呵护,才有我们这个美丽的世界。With your care, just have our beautiful world.3弯下腰,捡一捡,举手之劳,做个有心人。
Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.—Francis Bacon, British philosopher 欲驾驭自然必先顺之。——弗朗西斯.培根 Not a clean environment, then the living conditions favourable meaningless.没有一个清洁的环境,再优裕的生活条件也无意义。
快快行动起来,保护自然生态!Quick action to protect the natural ecology!保护环境从我做起,爱护学校从学生做起。Protecting the environment starts with me and caring for the school starts with the students.请您爱护绿色,绿是生命之源。
Not a clean environment, then the living conditions favourable meaningless.没有一个清洁的环境,再优裕的生活条件也无意义。 ——现代曲格平 protecting the environment is every man;s responsibility.保护地球环境是每一个人的责任。
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