
  1. 关于环保的英语作文带翻译越简单越好?



Have you ever given serious thought to your city life? Cities are becoming more and more modern. We have more and more expensive things nowadays, but does that mean a better life? I don't think so. A better city should include a better environment, not just modern high-rise buildings and high-end household goods.

As we can know and see, nowadays cities produce more and more different kinds of pollution, which destroys the nature. Now nature is taking its revenge on us. Every city should have its own strengths and characteristics, especially in urban ecology.

Human beings, as higher intelligent animals, should clearly understand this point, there is only one earth, we must have a strong sense of responsibility to protect the habitat. Water is the source of human existence. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the water source and save water. Care about atmospheric quality and don't forget that you're breathing all the time.



人,作为高等的智慧动物,更应该清楚的认识这一点,地球只有一个,我们必须有强烈的责任心去呵护栖息之所。 水,人类赖以生存的源泉。所以,监护水源,节约用水是必须的。关心大气质量,别忘了你时刻都在呼吸。

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